en es pt

Animal Scripts


The general objective of the project is to contribute to the knowledge about contemporary viruses related to animals (pandemic or not), to the discussion of the Anthropocene and to the construction of a “multispecies life”. We understand that the construction of a new post-pandemic normality requires the establishment of another relationship with nature, especially with animals. Thus, we seek to achieve this goal through a website that provides educational roadmaps on the relationship between wild-domesticated-human animals, using e-learning tools, citizen science and using the Fiocruz Siss-Geo app. Interested users will be encouraged to prod uce data and analyze them based on scientific logic and to reflect on information related to the project’s theme.

During the Lab we started to work on the creation of the website to house the Multispecies Initiative Program, in which the Roadmaps are inserted.

Our goal was to implement the site during the Lab, but this was not fully possible for technical reasons related to the “template” that we defined for use, suitable for e-learning resources. During this period, the domain iniciativamultiespecies.net was registered, site hosting was contracted and, at the moment, the site is being structured in WordPress by the programmer who collaborates with the team. We will continue to implement the website, contents and Roadmaps after the Lab, with technical support from the team mobilized by Silo. So far, we have advanced in the design and formatting of the Roadmaps and in the construction of the visual identity of the website and the logos of the program and the roadmaps. As a provisional repository of materials, a Facebook page @roteirosanimais was created.

